Gatsby: Blazing-fast static site generator for React
Source plugins
| yarn add gatsby-source-filesystem
Then add it to your gatsby-config.js:
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| module.exports = { plugins: [ { resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`, options: { name: `src`, path: `${__dirname}/src/`, }, }, ], }
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| { allFile { edges { node { id relativePath prettySize extension birthTime(fromNow: true) } } } }
| yarn add gatsby-transformer-remark
Then add it to the gatsby-config.js.
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| module.exports = { plugins: [ `gatsby-transformer-remark`, ], }
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| { allMarkdownRemark(sort: {fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC}) { totalCount edges { node { frontmatter { title date } excerpt html timeToRead } } } }